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3rd Time's a Lucky Charm

This is my third St. Patrick’s day - with children. When you become a parent, these seemingly minor holidays present an opportunity to not only celebrate, but a time to teach your children about heritage, faith, beliefs and traditions.

My mama always made sure to do something special for me on each of these minor holidays. She still does! When my husband and I got married and started our family, he specifically asked that we carry on something from his childhood - a little something special, not just from the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus, but from something the following cast of characters: Cupid, the Leprechaun, Uncle Sam, The Great Pumpkin and The Great Turkey.

Mamas, if you haven’t figured it out yet, regardless how supportive your husbands are, we women are the ones to make sure these characters play their part! My son was wasn’t even a week old when our first holiday rolled around. Honestly, between the post-pregnancy emotions and exit of hormones, I’m pretty sure the grandparents - on both sides - took care of the pressures of the first one. Luckily, we had a little buffer to prepare for Easter, the basket, rabbit, etc. But, pressure was on! During our first year as parents, I always breathed a sigh of relief after each holiday, then I immediately thought of the next holiday with angst as to what we would do for our little boy when the next holiday rolled around.

Now, don’t misunderstand. Each holiday is not a reason for kiddos to cast Santa-size wishes, but just an opportunity to have a fun surprise to compliment the learning opportunity. Maybe a new red shirt for Valentine’s, maybe some water toys or sidewalk chalk in July. You get the idea. One holiday, our son simply got a light spinner I’d picked up - at the last minute (thankfully!) - from the corner drugstore, and tied a ribbon around it. That was it! He was happy, and it was a great toy to keep him occupied in many instances during the next few months!

If there’s one thing this OneRealMom has come to terms with is that I can not compare myself to more experienced moms - on any level. This is only my third St. Patrick’s Day. How can I expect to know all the cool traditions or fun holiday opportunities for kids? I simply can’t. But, I what I CAN expect from myself is the courage to 1) maintain enough confidence to know whatever I do for my children, I do out of love, and it is the best thing for them because I am their mother; and 2) realize I have many more years to add cool holiday shenanigans to my mothering repertoire.

So, what’s happening in our house for St. Patrick’s Day? The Leprechaun left evidence of his presence on St. Patty’s Eve, so the kiddos wake up to their gifts. We'll all sport something green during the day. Tonight's menu will include a simple dish of cabbage and brats. I asked my friends and Facebook fans about their family traditions on St. Patrick's Day, and I’ve really enjoyed the responses! One idea I appreciated was making a point of sharing the history of St. Patrick. Another idea I liked is for older children to set Leprechaun traps! In fact, I was so intrigued by the thought of bringing the Leprechaun “to life,” that I took to Pinterest for the usual amount of overwhelming ideas! I breathed in, closed my eyes and reminded myself that this is only my 3rd annual holiday! Year one and two we tackled the family dinner and Leprechaun gifts. So, for this, my 3rd annual holiday, I’m adding a special surprise to the mix - Lucky Charm Treats! (Watch out year four!)

Caring for an 8-month-old and 3 year old doesn’t always allow for much planning and prep time, especially on the heels of a big birthday bash, but I was determined to add a new tradition this year - enter the Lucky Charm Treats! Sure, you can find recipes of all sorts on Pinterest or Google, but I’m gonna make it easy for you! Just click the link mentioned above, (or right here) for all the gooey details! And, follow me on Pinterest for some additional St. Patrick's Day ideas, and more are sure to follow throughout the years to come.

In the meantime, Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


~An Irish Blessing~

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

and rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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