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The Real Mom Behind the Blog

OneRealMom has been a blog-in-progress in the heart and mind of its creator since the birth of her son in 2012. She quickly realized her life as a happily married, young professional, oblivious to the demands of children, was behind her. Fellow new moms told her, “You’ll soon forget about all of this [the difficult times],” “Oh, it’s not that bad,” and even, “We knew you weren’t ready.”


With each middle-of-the-night nursing session, she searched for answers on her smartphone. It was if she had failed to study for this important final exam. Even worse, books like “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” while helpful during the nine-month preparation period, let her down during the postpartum phase.


Changes were happening with her body, in her family; emotions continually ran high. As she started this new chapter in life, she felt she had nowhere to turn for real advice, inspiration and encouragement – from one real mom to another. It wasn’t until baby number two arrived in 2014 that she was mentally ready and prepared to share the reality of her struggles and joys.


This OneRealMom always saw her future as a working professional with a beautiful family and perfectly behaved children. CHILDREN! Babies? That’s another story!  Toddlers? Who knew?! While she is the first to admit she wasn’t ready for babies, she will be the first to shed a tear at how quickly time passes and how her babies are growing and developing at such a rapid pace.


She earned her bachelor degree in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma and her master’s degree in communication from West Texas A&M University. Her professional experience spans opportunities with noteworthy ad agencies, an international not-for-profit and corporation, small businesses, colleges and some consulting work as well. 


In 2010, she married the love of her life. She hadn’t planned to go back to work; but, when her son was born in 2012, she returned to her professional life as her son turned four months old. After her one-year stint as a professional, working mom, she fully embraced her role as a mother and decided to accept the honorable position as a Stay At Home Mom. She’s known to wear rose-colored glasses, but she also acknowledges life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.


She started this blog to provide her fellow moms with short anecdotes that could be easily read while feeding babies, at nap time, during play at the park (*gasp* But, we never take our eyes off them!), or even taking a much needed break from the preschooler (admit it, the bathroom is our momentary escape!). Additionally, she plans to introduce advice and information from exports on subjects such as post-partum depression, post-partum family dynamics, and even sex after baby, as well as personal stories from fellow moms.


Interested in becoming a contributor? Does your business cater to an audience of moms 18 to 45? Consider a partnership with OneRealMom. Join this blogger for a ground-floor opportunity as she strives to reach thousands of other moms with real messages of true-to-life experiences.

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